Professional Development

As part of my daily life I am constantly striving to improve my knowledge base, keep current in energy healing and the social, and ecological events and "behind the scenes happenings" on our planet.
As a consequence, I create time in my life for
*Self healings
*Light Language -spoken, danced and drawn/ written
*Understanding Laws of the Universe
*Awakening to 12 Dimensions and beyond
*Understanding higher densities
*Learning the truth about the decision makers in the world
*Uncovering the truth about the global monetary system
*Uncovering the truth about secret space programmes
*Reiki Shares
*Forensic Healing Essentials Shares
*Professional Advancement
*Connection with others through social media
* Research
*Artistic Expression
*Voice/ Musical Expression
*Non-fiction/ mentorship reading
*Course development
*Teaching material
*Energy upgrades
*Crystalline DNA upgrades
*Free materials
*Self improvement
*Yoga & Dance
* Time in nature/ garden
* Time to channel wisdom from the Divine Matrix, Nature, etc
* Prayers for global benefit
*mentoring from Advanced Beings, Creator, Divine Feminine Sophia Code Ascended Masters, and my Higheer Self as Connected to the Divine Matrix
*New energy clearing modalities including SoulSpeak© and NFR©
*as well as family/ friends
All my clients and students benefit from this constant evolution, self reflection, and sets of challenges that I face and have faced including dark night of the soul.